Oh… what a year can bring! In 2019, Imagine Music Inc. celebrated its 25th year anniversary recital with balloons, cake, giftbags, many hugs, and handshakes. Our students performed their best songs! We had a packed venue. Countless photos with family and friends were taken in front of our Imagine backdrop. Laughter and loud applause filled the room. The younger students watched the older students intently, hoping to pick up some playing tips. It was a party and as a group, we all celebrated how far each member of the Imagine Music family had grown musically.
In 2020, recitals went online without a recital hall, without a physically present audience and with the only sound heard streaming from a computer speaker. We decided to turn this situation into the best opportunity by putting Our First Ever Game Show Recital! This was a huge success with our students offering family togetherness but also musical creativity.
This December’s recital, Music For the Season, was a collaboration with Innisvale Connects, an organization providing seniors programs in Central Alberta. Covid-19 opened a new volunteer opportunity where our students streamed a free musical performance from 118 kilometers away to cheer and show their care for shut-in seniors. The excitement was just as real as 2019, only perhaps slightly more special as students were engaged in meaningful service to others with the gift of their learned music.
Our students played brilliantly for their peers, families, and seniors in Central Alberta. We dressed up and had fun! We were so impressed by the level of participation and the fantastic quality of music performed.
This was such a wonderful way to give back to the community and at the same time, reminded us that even the smallest gestures can really help others get through tough times.
What we learned in 2020 from our Imagine Music family is that music is a gift our students still wish to give.