Experience the diversity of piano with Imagine Music Lessons. We pair students of all ages with passionate and inspiring teachers to help them achieve their goals. From classic to contemporary, and everything in between, you’ll learn and love the piano’s vast musical range with our piano lessons in Calgary.
Learn the music you want with Imagine Music Lessons. Our focus is on creating a positive experience where students can practice and grow their musical skills, learning vital piano components such as sound, melody, rhythm and song structure. Our private piano lessons in Calgary are designed to teach and mentor lifelong skills and the love of playing music.
Weekly lessons allow you to harness your skills while building your confidence in playing. Slowly learn the piano for fun or practice for the Royal Conservatory of Music or Conservatory Canada curriculum from September to June.
Choose when you want to practice the piano with our MLPs. You’ll have the ultimate flexibility in choosing the date and time for your piano lesson. Our MLPs are sold as Four Lesson Packages to be used over 12 weeks.
Brea believes music can inspire, heal and bring joy but also provide opportunities for students to grow in perseverance, patience and learning about themselves.
In addition to her teaching commitments, Darcy cherishes moments at the piano with her two young children, aspiring to inspire them with the magic of music. Her versatility is evident in her appreciation for classical music, coupled with a love for playing various styles.
Priscilla is a dedicated educator at Imagine Music Inc. She has over five years of experience tutoring mathematics and English, as well as teaching piano. Most recently, she spent a year in Thailand as a missionary piano instructor, further expanding her teaching experience in diverse settings.
This will vary from child to child, depending on their ability. On average, though, most children are ready to play piano at five years old.
It depends on the students and their goals. Those studying for the Royal Conservatory of Music and Conservatory Canada exams will require more rigorous practice and discipline to achieve high results. If you’re looking to have fun, more practice can make you a better and more confident player!
Yes, you do! The music theory and physical skills taught in lessons need to be reinforced through daily practice on your own instrument. We encourage you to get one before you start.
Of course! Being versatile in different instruments and music genres help people become better players. Voice, violin, saxophone and guitar all make good duet instruments with piano.